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You’re FIRED



Views: 25

Whether you have been with the company for years, whether you worked everyday, been on time everyday, never missed a day, was employee of the month, or hell, even the employee of the year, you know what? You’re FIRED!!!  
You’re fired, no you’re not, yes you are, no you not, yes you are, never mind, no you’re not. Musty was like, oh oops, my bad. Where those people we fired? We need them. Now they scrambling trying to find and re-hire those “essential” workers back. But that’s okay, that’s how a functional government operates.  
Welcome to this country. This is how we’re functioning. So what we gonna do is, we’re gonna make the mistakes FIRST and we’re going to fire people that are crucial and of higher importance needed to operate these companies, but don’t worry, we’re gonna figure it out later and eventually try to hire them back.   

But see, this is what happens when you got so many people unqualified for the positions they are put in, and they have little to no clue of what their job performance is because they know NOTHING about the position they are in.  
But that’s ok, just think of it as a DIY (Do it Yourself) job. Just get in there and you can figure it out along the way. You know, learn as you go. And besides, who cares? Just be happy you get to be a part of this whatever you want to call this.

Also, this is what happens when you got people all over the place ranting and raving with no clue and with no thought of the impact that is going to take place because of these firings and the stress, anxiety and mental affects their actions is taking upon these workers and the trauma on their lives.

And then, who wants to come back and be on pins and needles not knowing if at any moment they could be fired again?

Instead of slowing down, assessing and evaluating the situations before hand, this group of “decision makers” are making irrational, irresponsible and unprofessional decisions.  
They acting like it’s a race. Like they’re trying to set a Guinness book world record by seeing who can fire the most people in the fastest time.

So what I heard out of the horse’s mouth was, yes we’re gonna make mistakes (no big deal), and then fix them later. He said that like that’s something to be cool and proud of when it ain’t.  

My point is, how about taking the necessary precautions by not making NO mistakes in the first place and then you won’t have to worry about undoing damage that was irrationally done. 

Oh and let’s not forget tariff this, tariff that. Yeah a tariff, no a tariff, yeah a tariff, no, no tariff. I don’t know, maybe a tariff, we’ll see. Today, no tomorrow, no not tomorrow, never mind, next month.  

From a chainsaw to a scalpel, you in charge, you not in charge, they in charge, no, you in charge, well, you kinda sorta in charge… Roller coaster, whiplash, seesaw. It’s up, down, all around.  
Everyday it’s a guess, everyday it’s a mess. What can I say? Just Unstable leadership.

Total Chaos, Total Dysfunction, Total Uncertainty, Total Confusion = a Total Mess. Smh!

Welcome to the Un-United States.

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