love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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  double ruby
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White House



Views: 4

Right now I am living in a white house and based on the blemishes on my face, I have seen enough white one just to survive one term paper. Because thats all this term is about, paper. Anybody seeing it for much more than it is doesnt have a clue and if the shoe fits, that means you too. 

I saw past the bulls*it, I have x-ray vision to not let my life be moved by those decisions and to take the world for what it is. Im exercising my free will and this pill I am going to swallow is a GULP GULP with water but the bucket. 

And you know what, f*ck it. Im all in. In it to win it and all of that. 

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