God Bless the pen I hold in my hand
Give me the inspirational wisdom within
Let me flow steady on to these pages black or blue
Let the ink flow and never dry
Let my words sing halleluiah and open the sky
Let me write my journey end
If reincarnated let me do it again
Thanks for this hand that I write with
Thanks for the words to recite with
Thanks for the phrases
Thank you lord for all these blank pages
Thanks for the keyboard and fingertips
Thanks for the words I recite through my lips
Thanks for the Microphone
Thanks for the time alone
Thanks for the stage
Thanks for the joy happiness and for the rage
Thanks for the scribble thanks for the jot
Thanks for the doodle thanks for the dot
Thanks for the library and all the books they got
Thanks for all the authors’ poets and more
I hold this pen like sword in hand
Thanks for philosophy and for Zen
May you bless my freedom to write
Weather I write with my left or my right