I just called to say, lately you've been on my mind.
Reminicing over the times.
That we laughed, and everything was fine.
Talking about everything, debating minds.
Beautiful and smart, one of a kind.
Man, its really been a long time.
Since I've heard your voice, its truly sublime.
Fear of your presence, truly devine.
How have you been?
I hope all is fine?
Really, I'm good to, I'm glad you answered.
I've been thinking about some things.
Oh, you to.
Well i was thinking about things we used to do.
And how I overlooked some things I should have valued.
Really, you was thinking the same thing.
I'm glad to hear that, no really, this is true.
Nothing that I did, nothing I could do.
Would distract me long enough, to not think of you.
So many grey skys, but with you there always blue.
So are you seeing anyone, is anything new?
Me either, was still committed to you.
Did we make a mistake, what should we do?
I agree, I'll pick you up around two.
Dress rehearsel, of what I'll say in a few.
Damn, I hope this goes the way I want it to.
Seven digits, dial tone away.
Hello, I just wanted to say!