bekz580 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
Trying to find the Words...

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These Lips



Views: 347

These Lips,
They tell a story.
They live a lifetime of testifying good...and evil.
They've spoke of hope...and regret.
Love...and betrayal.

They've trembled at the loss...
The loss of life...and love,
They've taste the tears that stream down in an effort to escape,
They've spoke of heartache...
and screamed out in frustration,
They've wished for better days...
and they've prayed for strength.

And then there are those days...
Altogether more enjoyable...

They've pressed against breath-taking moments.
They've opened only to exhale at worth-while destinies,
They've shyed when expressing admiration...
and blushed when confessing feelings of love,
They have smiled...
and have been brushed with laughter,
They have pleased with such passion...
and have whispered the most sincere of secrets.

These lips...
They hold secrets...
and have told stories.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

You are truly blessed with that pen..keep on Flowin.

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