Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Ghost trails of all good people

running like soul rivers through the landscapes of life
far greater than what our minds entertain

with some fragments of spirit magic,
coming in quiet impressions
like mists or rain
or by storm
what is gathered,

streams through our minds

like starlight falling to us
through currents
of universal streams,
bathing us in auras growing in us
as we share what wisdom we glean
from somewhere in our dreams
rooms in our minds are fed
with our intentions
...whether mundane,
or simplistic,
insights and ideas
carried with us,
as our burdens,
or greatly treasured gifts
whose impressions

...some come
borrowed from storybooks
or told to us as children

some go quietly observed

some collect and
into our consciousness, uninvited
gathered from the blues

we caught hell from ...and survived

perhaps a near miss
we only got a glimpse of.
in passing by.


what some
may have mastered
in so powerful a potion
as the fear of death,

transfigures our grasp
of the divine

what others may have
only caught impressions of

by their imaginations
we carry forth in our emotions
in spoken word, music and art
creating an unquenchable drive
our expressions of which
our character is formed
is what love is



We are joined together now
as we sit passionately by the fireside
sharing stories... mixing, blending freely
as we choose to experience the new
beyond the heartache and confusion
entrained in our past

a renewable future...
seen in a different light

thank GOD
for those who care...
in those who embue hope,
we have prayers to believe
to help us attenuate

to herds of the fearful souls
who wander searching for meaning
as if not knowing love is the answer
to ever growing pain
in each
of these greater
treasured moments shared
we find an oasis bearing waters
to quench the anguish
of our suffering
amidst the harshness
of life
in one another's
taking in ideas
from different sources
processing each particle
to discriminate, assimilate
determining our course
seen from a distance
to figure whether
it is good,
or evil
of spirituality
we carry with us
thorough many chapters
in our changing lives
and yes, these
are the tools
we live by
as we continue on
in our journey to forever,
making our fortunes together
our secret storehouse
of who we are
at heart
each in our wake
we touch one another
by what we walk with each day

feeding our thoughts they light
or dark
these fruits we bear
create our interpersonal
heavens and hells
and the key to knowing
its heir value,


is by the characteristic

of its spark.


Copyright ©2010 Charles Edward Fields 2


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