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"Nature Sings"



Views: 342


Splendor is in the nature declaring the creativity, and his power

His nature sings his praise a language of it's own
The oceans, the forest, and mountains. The waterfalls streaming

Like glorious fountains. A grandiose all of it’s own.
The magnificent grammar that is untold. His strength is in all nature

In calmness and in tumor. We tremble before him, all the earth
trembles. Foe his world was firmly established, and cannot be moved.

The trees of the forest, and the birds in the sky, say among the nations
That the Lord reigns.

Nature will sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the

Earth. The people cry out, save us O God, our Savior, deliver us from
The nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name.

Only your human creation can form words to glorify, and honor you.
Sing trees, sing seas, sound out in heavenly glory, so we can truly
appreciate God's goodness, and love.

Can you hear their praise?

B.Jones 6/13

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