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Learn youreslf before attempting to love someone else.

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What If


just different

Views: 360

I was never one for fantasies…
Never could give hormones
the opportunity to make less of a man of me.

In her eyes
I see road blocks,
truck stops,
and a mall for my imagination to shop.
You make Heaven's description a paradise
rather than a life long traffic jammed toll stop.

I ask myself
If I could stand beside myself
and watch us define love
would it be realistic?
Or have I gotten beside myself.
What if I could control time?
If I could manifest myself in multiple dimensions
just to hold you in multiple realities at once,
and did I mention
your lips steal my heart's gold
and make it impossible to pay attention.

What if we could alter genetics?
If we could push your first born
back into the wound
just so we could bond through nine more months
of love and pick up where his first breath would leave off.

I'm trying to experience love
the kind of love
where we get mad just to make up love.
I'm trying to discover the molecules
that make up the combustible compound that is your heartbeat.
I'm trying to take long vacations...without you,
just so I can suffer the heartbreak
of not being in an angel's presence;
then return,
just so I can try to find and redefine our love in a different language.
Yeah, that kind of love.

Your a world of enigma in a universe of certainty,
and I'm considering becoming an astronaut
just so I could orbit your mind.
You exemplify the mortal mind
and a divine heart intertwined.
What if we could grow old in today?
Just so we never have to face the hardships of tomorrow.

I was never one for fantasies.
Never could give hormones the opportunity to make less of a man of me.
Until you made me question what if...

©Paris “Chi” Butler, “What If”. 09/11/2012. All Rights Reserved.


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