J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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The Untitled Journey (The Light Within Me)



Views: 367

Alone amidst the shadows,

A zone where light seeks solitude,

Expressions cease to exist,

And reason becomes illogical.

Death becomes irrational,

Taking the lives of the innocent;

As the thought of living brings about fear unparalleled.

Faith is suffocated by thorny bushes,

Prematurely nurtured only to perish in its prime,

Confidently falling back to allow the "The Norm" to proceed,

Smiling to mask the pain unbearable.

Where is my light?

Outstretched hands I frantically grasp the unreachable.

My heart calls to me, "I am here!"

My spirit yells, stay strong and believe!"

From within a flicker of light shines faintly.

A warmth so soothing tears overwhelm me.

"Why are you here amongst the shadows?

Why do you evoke death to rob you of what is unique to you?

I shine only for you, why have you forsaken me?

Love me as I love you,

Cherish me,

Adore me,

Comfort me,

For I am you."

Alone in the shadows I am guided beyond its gates,

Free of my sorrows I am able to navigate towards long awaited joy.

Confidently I walk pass those who follow the same path;

Even though sin corrupts me

I will never let go of the light He has blessed me with.

The journey continues...

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Contest Winner  

chispoken says:

"confidently I walk pass those who follow the same path" Realization of where you've been is the first step, where you're at is the second and where you're going is the last. Good scribe!

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Poignant.....Fantastic....this reaches deep down inside....Namaste!

DallasCowgirl says:

Another great piece

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