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He is who you love



Views: 300




You would much rather tamper with nose bleeds 

than him pamper you with roses. 

Some how you thought that his suit and tie made him soft yet you will willingly date 

a man with a history of domestic abuse who will back down when a man who is as equally  strong 

calls him out on his truths. 

This is the man you cooked and cleaned for, subconsciously adore from his thug decor to the police reports. 

You will call a man with culinary skills "Gay"  but if he whips work in the same kitchen you will send your kids to another room and allow him to stay…

Your own stupidity stands in your  way…because if he opens doors and knows how to mop a floor, if he doesn't neglect his kids, and if he treats you like a queen…you  find the need to question his masculinity and manhood…

The evolution of the female mind can't stand good. 

Your girl-friends horror stories about the cheating, beating, misleading somehow spark your curiosity so you will trade that stand up guy for some some illiterate fool with screwed up philosophies…who impregnated all the women that you once knew and some how you give him you…like take me and do what ever you want  to because your idea of a good man has been defined by low budget hood flicks…like he doesn't love you if he doesn't call you bit**….and his definition of a good woman was if she was thick…or mixed…and you measure his goodness by the size of his stick…You will pass up that intelligent brother if he admits to having a low number of lovers…you are not attracted to the guys that prefers using rubbers and can form grammatically structured sentences…because you will rather take interest in that guy with prison sentences, probation, anger management who jokes about killing off the witnesses…

He is who you argued with your father about and no doubt your father had every reason to worry….see this guy wasn't the character in any of your bed time stories…The guy you love received a call from Maury…theres women that are 100% sure and the thing is he gets mad and even denies yours…You love this dude…who will beat up 10 chicks before he will swing on one dude…and you will see the danger in the situation and pretend not to have one clue….telling every body he's your boo and that he rides for you…


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