lloydboy35 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Return To That Place Pt. 1



Views: 299

a return to that place

is failure stamped on my face?

why do I burn God's grace?

is it my secret sin? it's folding my legs in the race

a deadlock pin

I awake and feel I ain't worthy to roam in society

at a constant wrestle with anxiety

no work, my outcry, my ventilation

tired of just getting by

a standing ovation from hell's pits

I stand in a midst of clouds with balded fists

how much more is his time allowed?

my life moves around and around

feel forever embeded to the ground

it's like i'm sliding with prosthetics to the mound

or is just that i'm pathetic in blame stages

do I give him extreme credit in my trifling phases

frustrated over constipated wages

money forever moving slow

i can choose to make it illegal and keep it

steady like a diahrettic flow


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