Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Views: 416


By the time you realize
the change required

to make this day, right
has come and gone

for almost an eternity

and now, again

is... in play
in reoccurring cycles
by moving oceans
of your mind...
to rise and fall in tune
with tides
turning beside
internal phases
of the moon

if and then
...and even now
as you follow in the footsteps
of the times each wave
of emotion peaks
in the wake of
these patterns of happenstance
and see in increments
mistakes could have been made
though on a higher path
we realize
the truth in the all...
nothing in the universe is ever wasted
not even the time it takes
to wait for the next sunrise
each of us, in being
an expression of life
teaching and learning
whether intentional or not
each turn a lesson in itself,
for the fortunes paths
which rise and fall before us
presented as offerings
...a way through...
the labyrinth
which one to take
or not to take
is our alone
to ponder
not ours to question,
in wonder...
of which road
we should
No textual clues
gathered of this
an indescript glyph
out of context, perhaps
between our last chance
and the next arising
a few steps beyond
seeds planted in our past

by chance
some undeserved generosity
showered upon us
by strangers
nearer to us,
than our own shadows
and in so many ways
most often
we take for granted
each blessed drop of rain
having found its way to us
and from the moment
we step into
the airspace
of the new day
where our arrival
of impartiality
is rendered an absurdity
our status...
by invitation only
bearing a price
which we must
do we do so
or choose to question
every drop
all to gather
the story of its path
or let it be
to remain as is
a mystery

A way no one may know
but to choose
surrender as the only path
to see the sun it one sure way lose
a door to heaven,
not in vain
our souls in train
this journey
our souls partake
as we walk together
and apart
into each others



Copyright ©2008 Charles Edward Fields 2




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