DAPHNE | Poetry Vibe
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first love

Views: 505

Even though I'm far away

I see your face like everyday

An 11x10 on my bedroom stand

Being friends with you is my best friend.

The introduction that showed me to you

A Facebrook friend request right out the blue

Lol, I denied your request maybe once before

Then you sent it again and my heart hit the floor!

You're too damn right inside my mind

I want all the pics on your Facebrook on mine

Message me whenever, anytime now

Fill my inbox with your sunshine and clouds.

I'm still hyped after a long day  too

Ready to IM all of my day with you

I've got it bad that bug bit me hard

You've uploaded your mind inside my heart

All my friends I'll get back at y'all

When my message lit up that's what I'm on

Also I want to tell you since you know the rest

 I be all over your page and I like your chest

 I'm just waiting on you to do what you do

I'm kind of busy but I'm shole focused on you.





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DAPHNE says:

I've been up for days...I had to write it out!!

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

I see it paid off! an artist must use everything, good work Im a fan. Keep on Flowin

DAPHNE says:

Thank you Wize Dom! I can hardly wait to get my laptop back so I can view your poetry!

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DAPHNE says:

Me? an artist? THATS AWESOME! Thanks Wize!!!!

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Superb Work that's felt....Bravo...thanks for sharing....ONE

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DAPHNE says:

You are so welcome 2B2B2!! ILL RETURN THE FAVOR!!

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love_supreme says:

Very nice. Excellent write.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Love it... can feel the love ...between... signals...

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