Imagination_733 | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 290

Written By: Dez Sevena 

Created in beauty
Bathed in strength
Hailed in Universal age.
So vibrantly structured -
Break it through
with more than muscles.

Made to respect the hustle.

She shines like the north star

Taken from somewhere afar.

Cross the desert to reach

her fountain.

Moving mountains--

Each year, the fog sets in-

Covering the truth

So it's hidden.

Her skyline glistens

 during summer night..

Made endless-

depicting the sky.

How could it be ruined?

Her stature left in ruins.

I burned her straight to the ground!

With nothing but kerosene!

Destroyed every bit of her dreams.

Left her walls full of graffiti..

If you look close enough

You'll see

The scars that have branded..

Stripped her of everything..

Left empty handed.   

Nothing will keep her from living

As livid as she is..

Her heart bleeds to forgive

A woman of the Lord..

Throw up your best fist!

You cannot destroy what is his.

Caressed with the almighty kiss.

I can't get through this.

A woman tarnished.

My soul somehow garnished.

Karma sleeps below

the ashes..

Ready to teach me a lesson.

I confess

It's the regret.

Haunting my pillow..

Parading my debt.

As I sit here






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