TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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I Can't Breathe



Views: 393

I can't breathe

All the lies  you are forcing me to believe is blocking my airways

I'm hyperventilating

Trying to adjust to the fact that you are expecting me to actually believe these lies

I can't breathe

The knives in my back have punctured my lungs

I'm gasping for air it's only making things harder

With you staring me in my eyes providing no help

Watching me die from all your lies

I can't breath

All your promises are coming up trying to get out of me

With no success it's only choking me

I can't breathe

I can't breathe

As you stand there and watch me offering

No help

I collapse

I can't breathe

I can't breathe

I can't ...


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DAPHNE says:

That is very good Mahogany Blues!!

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

This here is breath taking, no pun intended, very touching thanks for sharing and welcome to the vibe...Keep on Flowin

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DAPHNE says:

That is very good Mahogany Blues!!

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Ct.poet says:


love_supreme says:

Wow, very gripping. Loved it.

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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

This is beautiful! I didn't even knew you write.. Speechless.. Thank you once again..

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Tmartin The Poet! says:

Love it! Ha ha nice!

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