TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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missing me



Views: 280

 i miss myself 

the way i use to take are of myself 

and how i always made time for me 

i miss the simple tings

that made me feel good 

hair done nails done

dressed nice, i know i was looking good 

but there came a point in my life 

where i just stopped caring 

i wouldnt even want to get out the bed 

the daily routine went out he door 

my appearance was reflecting how i felt inside 

broken down 


just wanting to throw my hands up 

white flag flying high 

then i thought to myself

this is not the way i want to live 

this is not what i want people to thing of me 

this is not what i think of myself 

slowly but surely i started getting it together

one minute at a time 

one day at a time 

this has gotten me this far and i have so much further to go ... 

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