2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Love of Benefits



Views: 512

Befitting the victor of grand prizes

Networking sections of help wanted

Guised to supplement favorable outcomes

As wills are determined from residual income

Struck quite stupid from a shot of cupid

Motivated by deeds towards love being right

Confused by maneuvers covered by night

As vixens are intent on consuming tender vittles

War is its equal kin in games staked for love

As dupes await the signal from the heavens above

Meanwhile the profile of passions entreat this feat

As indemnity is kept hidden like mental infidelity

Honed in by eyes recognizing a tempting treat

Feigning love at first sight and its repressed heat

Registering rings in lines of subsidized ways of life

As scores are kept in cards hued green as identity


Cold and dark is this winter worn by turncoats

Dependents predetermine the birth of new arrangements

Emancipating and awakening in the evil of can do

As thy will cannot be undone, for such love is bent


Unfolding in unbridled scorn is the adorn of Venus flytrap

Attractive and sweetly appearing but deadly is her ingest

Potent is her favorite brand to digest slowly and completely feeding……

Insatiable is this creed known to Love solely for Benefits…….



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CT.poet says:

wow... im stuned

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The Immortal Wize says:

One for the books the level of inteligents great poem wow indeed.

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2b2b2 says:

Thanks CT

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Poteic Justice says:

that was deep
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2b2b2 says:

Thanks Much (winks)
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Lovelylady1 says:

This was awesome

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