TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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She Told Me I'll Be Famous



Views: 318

She told me I'll be famous

Not for my facial features or my physical physique

I'll be famous for the words that I speak

Speak for those who feel they have no voice

Speak for those who feel just like me

She told me I'll be famous

With no hidden agenda besides to motivate me

To never let the ink dry

No matter how many times I may fail

Get back up and try again

She told me I'll be famous

So I wrote this poem for her to show her how I appreciate the motivation and thanks for the inspiration

No hesitation

The words just flowed

Moments after the words danced off her lips

I needed to find a piece of paper and pen quick

I replayed the words again and again

I didn't want to forget

She told me I'll be famous

I simply showed her how truly talented I was

She told me I'll be famous

Not for my facial features or my physical physique

I'll be famous for the way my heart speaks to the pen and paper

Speaks to the emotions that's hard to understand and describe

She told me I'll be famous and I actually believed it

She inspired me like no one before

So I wrote this poem just for her

She even told me about poetryvibe

Allowing us to vibe in a completely different way

Allowing the words to jump off the page

Without a single word to being said

She told me I'll be famous so I had to show her how badly I want to achieve success

Being famous for my words would be a dream come true



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