TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lucky in love


first love

Views: 350

lucky in love since the day I met you so lucky to have you in my life

I couldn't be any luckier if I was in Vegas and won millions

lucky in love all because of you

what you do and how you make me feel

I couldn't be any luckier if I was walking down the street and found a four leaf clover on a random day

nothing makes me happier then knowing your here to stay

love me in all the right ways

I couldn't be any luckier if I found a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

your heart of gold is all I need

lucky in love

you and me

no one is such a perfect pair

your healing my heart

one day at a time

I'm the luckiest woman in the world

loving you is a opportunity of a lifetime

and I won't let it pass me by

I'm lucky in love and loving every moment of it

I couldn't be any luckier if I won the lottery

I would spend the money enjoying life with you

I use to think I'd be lucky if I ever met my prince charming

I felt lucky the moment I laid eyes on you

you bring such joy and happiness

I'm beginning to smile ear to ear

I'm the luckiest woman in the world

I couldn't be any luckier if I had triple seven's tattooed on every part of my body

or if lady luck was one of my closest friends

I struck gold when I met you

and I don't intend to cash in

lucky you

lucky me

we're lucky in love

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