lloydboy35 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Dear Motivation



Views: 356

feeling blue, at a gloom, still havent

a clue

in a dark room, in the midst

of a rainy season

somehow I've lost reason

a series of storms, feeling a void

without form

cold without desire, you were the

coal to my fire

even in times of stillness, I've never

lost a willingness

in a misery state, my effort lately

haven'tbeen great

then arguably you decided to create

the space

I've shorten my circle in means to rid

any obstacles seemingly controversial

apologetic for whatever else in my life

that's pathetic

or wrong

in transition for correction, I beg you

back in this poem

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

I like this poem my brother....it could be used as an anthem for those days when you need to be reminded to forge ahead, yet again...thanks....ONE

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