TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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never again



Views: 282

 never again will i be able to see your face 

or be held in your warm embrace

even though i know your in a better place 

it hurts like hell that your gone 

i know your looking down on me 

i wish you were here in the flesh 

just to talk to you 

just to laugh with you one last time 

even then that wouldnt be enough 

i still will want one lastt visit 

you influenced so many lives by the way you lived 

so many people looked up to you including me 

you were such a powerful woman

never again will you be here to tell me its ok 

or be the shoulder to i can cry on 

i will cherish the moments we shared 

even though i want you here on earth with me 

i know we will meet again when my time on earth end 

so until then 

in my heart you will be

i love & miss you 

mama rosie

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love_supreme says:

this is a very nice poem.

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