TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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broken-hearted girl



Views: 401

 broken hearted girl head held low 

she feel like her soul has been stripped out & left for dead 

never has she felt this way 

she feels she can never love again 

broken hearted girl has no control over her emotions 

she feels useless 

never will she be the same 

broken hearted girl 

her world was turned upside down 

she doesnt even know where to begin to pick up the pieces 

she doesnt know what to do 

start over or soak in the pain

broken hearted girl 

pen in her hand blank page in front of her 

she begins to write 

write the wrongs away 

write until the pain has gone away 

write until she cant write anymore 

broken hearted girl 

has written her life away & so much more 

she isnt done yet

she has plenty more to say 

with her pen & notebook she will find a way to make things ok

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The Immortal Wize says:

saved by the pen! great way to pour out feelings.

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chrisj21390 says:

Yea I love how you use your talents to express your feelings. keep writing and you'll see how many souls you'll touch by having the same story. I love it!!!

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