Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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...Can you imagine, introspectively


more than just the circle of your friends


a line running way past the present


even seeing around the corners


where one life begins ...and another ends


adding the sum of all the angles


of your ancestral humanity


from its subtle beginnings


through each and every source 

...of its humble blends


beyond all awareness

of just who it is you think you are

not to mention whoever it is may claim to be...


extending even further than


the full sphere of your interactions


one step past


what used to be called




to the threshold of the periphery


of where anyone


who has ever held a claim


to be adventurous


has ever chanced to dream


...was so damn scared


they had


to make a deal with God


to let them see...


what comes next


even if, it meant


they couldn't ever return


to tell about it


to teach anyone


who might desire


the chance to learn


to what terminal point


redemption could ever be


to settle with the great unknown


like the first broad strokes of the brush


that painted the first symbols


across the sands of time


to step upon the virgin snow of creativity


to revel in the treasury of spiritual reverence


to bask in the soft warming glow


to see and know the feeling


reflections written across the souls


of all who dared to cross the stream


reading between the lines...


to see themselves fitting in discretely


in the complexity...




the behind the scenes




to skip a stone upon the surface of the pond


lost in the wealth


of the myriad potentialities


drifting in the winds of time and space


more than a simple soul


on this rock we roll on


a sentinel


...seeing through the light


and into the darkness


through the mists of times before?


seeing the unseen, knowing more


about how the lightning bolts fly


than nature could provide


to learn by bending light


back twice upon itself


as if by circumstance


as we find ourselves


following in the patterns


of ideas we've come to know


as reasonable facsimilies


of the truth about


who of the what


we've managed


to come to be.






Just as the flow


of the raindrops


falling through the clouds


ride the winds,


down through space


to the earth below




rising up, and circling back ...down


to find life within the living


not just to blindly follow


the path of least resistence,


as it is said... though


how many times


does this


interactive path


come full circle


as they gather multiple coats,




like snowflakes,


drifting quietly as ghosts,


as we


have mastered


seven different modes of fire


not counting the microwave


to melt our butter


and to warm our toast.




Yet, why are we


not yet wise enough


to dissipate the waves


of intolerance,


before they rise


and ride the tides


of pain and




death and




What are


we thinking ...about


going somewhere








copyright Charles Edward Fields 2



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