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Homeless Shelter Memories


just different

Views: 436

It started in 1986
Four years before the birth of a lightening storm
When a man who served his country
With two decades of honor
Discharged from his contract of service

It started in 2012
Twenty-six years after the release of a hurricane
When a young man joined a student coalition
And volunteered to an afternoon at a mens homeless shelter
He himself now doing the service

What was I thinking?
This started with a game of Uno
When a lightening storm met a hurricane
Their destructive product, a light grenade
An explosion of knowledge and experience
They took turns throwing down cards of disappointment
Each card was a new wave in waters of high tide

Each turn he placed a card that told a story
The color of rage
From a man who was promised security,
And abandoned after his contract was up.
The color of his depression
Suffered from a systematic beat down
3 war tours and watching his brothers with the same blue veins
Blow up in a misunderstanding,
Fighting battles that were not theirs.
The color of money he never received
2 decades past a broken promise
He never received one check of retirement or disability
A government that molded an organized killer
Then discarded him as crippled goods when his time was up
The color of a brick road he followed
Leading to what he told was an American dream
“Do your part and work hard and you will be taken care of”
He digressed
Sliding me a paper written to him by his former contractor
With a promise to a brand new home in a few short months
Almost as if back payment for two decades of wrongful exile.

Over 90% of the people staying in this men’s homeless shelter
Were foreign to the city of Charlotte
A queen’s city
Attenuated kings crushed under a broken empire
I could hear the weight of statues
Smashing the grounds of Troy
What could Achilles have done wrong to be caste aside by Menelaus?
“Thank you”
Before the eye of this hurricane rested over its temporary home
“I’ve never met a lightening storm before you that could listen
Never seen a bolt walk on the ground without destroying it!”

©Paris “Chi” Butler, “Homeless Shelter Memories”. All Rights Reserved. 7/9/2013.


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Every time you hit the page I know I'm in for something strong and profound. I enjoyed it, so heart felt.
Contest Winner  

chispoken says:

I am very much humbled by the recognition, it is a mutual feeling brother. Make sure to check out the first story of the novel I am working on via this page under stories.

lloydboy35 says:

Wow!!!! Talented!!! I like stuff like this!!!!

darylg44 says:

This is pretty great writing. A sad and unfortunately familiar story but told to perfection. This was on the mark my friend. Great write

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Contest Winner  

chispoken says:

Thank you Darylg44. I appreciate it very much so. Glad that you could relate and took the time out to read this piece. I am humbled by all of you .

DallasCowgirl says:

Very emotive and vivid. Nice write

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