I got the feelin' last night whenI heard your voice
It sent a chill through my body asking me to make a choice
"Do you want it" whispered the voice in my ear
So caught up I caouldn't answer the voice saying "Did i loose you my dear?"
"No" I speak up "I'm here"
Slowly your voice nspoke words of lust and I loved it
Tried hard to pull away but sh*t
Why'd you mention
My favorite position
Was it necessary
To tell me that you'd please me for a repayment cost of free
Keep saying those things I like
And I could listen to your sexy voice all freaking night
As the words tickle the places I touch and tease
Now you're talking about standing in front of me then dropping to your knees
Could I ever really keep my control
Because you and I both know I'm ready to let it go
The words you speak
About ravishing me in your sheets
How can you say such things to me
And then expect me me to answer lewt alone speak
All I can do is moan in your ear
Whipering "I wish you were here"
You always say you wish you were here too
To actually preform the the things you say you'd do
Get me to where our hearts beat as one
Beating rhythmically and fast like a drum
Heay breathing
No longer competing
But we're both playing a game to win
Not knowing exactly how it will end
But yet we keep going
Till the morning light start showing
And here I am again... alone
Realizing that it's just a voice on the phone.