thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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just different

Views: 202

Walking on glass,broken dreams scattered thoughts lies lust fear whispers of demons in a valley I thought I already escaped from but apparently it hunts me rather I'm a wake or sleep what makes me So different your like everybody else we're nothing special covered in blood with a mysterious fugier hands wrapped around my stomach wings of blacc an blue fathers saying let me take the pain away I'll set you free forever stop walking in the valley of death I could feel it smile succing draining the life out of me braking free I run from it but the fugier flys lands right before my eyes don't be scared takes a bite at my necc worst feeling but it feels great dropping to my knees body paralyzed intoxicated by her poisonous bite heart racing sweat dripping thoughts will I die will i survive who knows pancing so bad my heart stops woke up it was all a nightmare gets quite hears a voice says or was it

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