TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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Views: 309

I woke up this morning

and looked to my left

there you were sleeping so peacefully

I had to stare just to take it all in

how could someone sleep so comfortable

after they caused so much pain

I slipped out of bed to observe the damage on my face

looking at the woman staring back at me

tears began to fall

this isn't me

it cant be

I cant believe I continue to allow you to treat me like this

even after I grew up witnessing this at home

growing up promising myself

I would never be in a situation like this

never came to soon

the 1st time he said it was a accident

he really didn't mean it

2nd time he said I deserved it I shouldn't did what I did

3rd time he said it hurt him hit me but he had to because it showed how much he truly loved me

he told me this like I was his kid who had done something wrong

I had no other choice but to believe it

it was so stupid of me

I should have know better

I should have the strength to leave

it feels like I have shackles on my feet

and he has the key

holding me back from leaving

there is a spare key

its deep down inside me

its shaped in the form of love

love for myself

will set me free from him

never to look back again


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