TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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death to chain letters



Views: 353

chain letters chain letters

death to stupid chain letters

ones that talk about if you don't send this to ten people then your leg will fall of in twenty minutes

I know I'm exaggerating on that but that's how silly chain letters sound to me

chain letters chain letters

death to love chain letters

one that say if you don't send this to ten people your sex life will become the talk of the town

first off I don't live in a small town

and no one on my street knows me so how can this be

chain letters chain letters

death to money chain letters

ones that say send this to ten people

and you'll find thousands of dollars on your front porch

now how can this be I can barely find a penny while walking down the street

besides their thieves who live amongst me so I'm pretty sure i wont see the money 

chain letters chain letters

death to spiritual chain letters

ones that say if I don't forward this then Jesus doesn't love me

quick question

when was the last time you been to church

apparently its been a minute if you felt the need to send this to me

chain letters chain letters

death to kidnapping chain letters

ones that say if you don't forward this then you will end up lying in a ditch in the next twenty minutes


you don't even know where I live or even if I'm home

chain letters chain letters

death to all freaking chain letters

nothing is going to happen to  you if you don't forward the chain letters

trust me I'm living proof

and I'm pretty sure so are you



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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

I hate chain letters too, I love what you did with this.

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