tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Views: 339

 Love, Open my eyes that i might see the quality of life you promised me.

Open my ears that i might hear thoses beautiful words that are so dear.

To hear the beauty in the wind or soft words spoken by a friend.

To see myself as others might see or be myself as i should be.

How can i see when iam blind to all the things i cannot find.

To sit and watch while i wait for all things coming in to late.

To be alone with nothing to do thinking only good thoughts of you.

A lover's dream to be set free or is it just the wanderer in me?

Yes you opened my eyes today a scope of life you took away.

My ears were opened just to hear thoses beautiful words " I love you dear"

Gone is the sadness in your eyes and love has taken us by surprise.

We gave our bodies together as one now our quest on earth is done.



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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Wow! very poetically done.

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bulldognation44267 says:

Beautiful. Despite what many may say, love is the only thing that matters.

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