tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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One rose ( Written for a friend)



Views: 298

 One rose for our baby that lies with folded arms.

One rose means " I love you," to hearts it soothes and warms.

One rose for her coffin,  to signify love.

To her no time for beauty:

To her no time for play.

For one of life's big duties: god takes the soul each day.

One rose for our baby:

A baby that never lived long.

No cries I'll hear at night, no laughter playing in the rain.

Is it really fair for me to lose, and heaven above to gain.?

One rose for our baby:

They say god's chosen few.

To believe that it is meant to be-

to believe god loves me still.

I just can't sit idly by and believe that it's god's will.

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