The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13800
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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Ode To The Employer


Views: 191

You get me up each morning in addition to the Lord, I'm grateful that I have you but it's time to even score,
without you I'd be sleeping down on someone's hardwood floor, but *** you, I refuse to take your bullsh!t anymore.

I give you 40 hours ev'ry week I'm so OG, I sometimes give you more by labor laws I'm so OT, morose'fully I hopefully envision an escape, you pay me yes but even still it's like I'm being raped.

You vaseline theof me then say it's for my good, to f*ck me like a b!tch with ev'ry inch of thy own wood,
I can't take any time off cause it has to be accrued, which leaves me open feeling used and plus I'm screwed,

if God forbid that something happens with the kids at home, it's you Mr. Employer that makes workers grab the chrome,
and spazz out in the office puttin lead in people's heads, instead of work for you they feel they're better being dead.

I won't take those extremes but still I know just how they feel, instead of keep it real you'd rather give a n!gga dill,
like pickle nothin trickles down the bottom rung to those, who prostitute themselves for you, remember workplace h0e?

Morale is at an all time low cause folks are just fed up, if you'd just treat us right we'd happ'lly work with our heads up>>>
inside the clouds for many miles but that won't happen can't you see, I need you but I hate you, signed your faithful employee.

The Cunning Linguist

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The Immortal Wize says:

Too cool!

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