tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Kind words ( Written for a friend)



Views: 320

 Lord, may my words make a difference in someone's life today

May i encourage,help or heal with every word i say.

It's sometimes hard to use kind words when things are going wrong

But th eloving words of jesus are the ones that make us strong.

When no kind words come to mind then help me to speak not guide me just to listen

to someone else's plot.

Sometimes it's hard to see it but everyone needs love

And when it does not come naturally it must come from up above

I cannot judge my brother

for i walk not in his shoes his trials and tribulations 

to me may come as news

so as i listen to his problems 

may my words be only kind and may the loving thoughts of jesus

be the one that fill my mind


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