The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13800
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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The Grave


just different

Views: 136

Late some nights I lay and think how sharp my life has been, the mix of love's betrayal and how sharp the knife has been,
the blackness of it all, I wonder where the white has been, the good the bad the ugly, see someday my life will end.

We all are born to die this life will guarantee you that, cause no one is immortal, be deceased come nap or strap,
I feel no fear in knowing there's no way I can be saved, from dancing with The Reaper in the moonlight on my grave.

I hope that when my time does come I won't feel any pain, just tryna live life right so I don't wind up in the flames,
instead of in the heavens where I know my soul belongs, afloat on wings of calm and singing to a soulful song.

There're people just like me who wonder what it's like to die, and though it's bound to happen, none of us would like to try,
does ev'rything fade gradu'lly, get darker like the night? Or one swish and it's over like this life's a Nike sign.

The loved ones that I leave behind, I pray it's not too hard, I know that life goes on but still the pain's alot to guard,
espec'lly cause my daughter holds her dad in high regard, don't worry Stinky Faces cause I'll be too high to fall.

Or will my spirit wander all around from place to place, of course no one could see me even if we're face to face.
in questioning mortality, what's really on the way? The other side's a secret lying just beyond the grave.

The Cunning Linguist

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