tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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The poor man



Views: 322

 Since i don't have a bite to eat

then maybe i should go rob the street.

Hustling money is no funny game,

it's a crime of shame.

I had my  chance to be in the high seat,

but there were alot of requirements, I just couldn't meet.

Man! i should have stayed in school, 

how could i be such a fool!

Now, I'm out here lying on skidrow, with no where to go,

While I'm out here struggling to survive,

i should be creating an opportunity to strive, Instead

of taking a dive.

Man! I should of listened, Now i'm not able to find a decent position in 

my ragged condition.

Maybe i should take a stand in demand,

and find a job the best way i can. 

I hope these employers would understand,

But hey! I'm just a poor man.

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