The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13800
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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For The Children


Views: 197

This one's for the children of the world who have no hope, who can't forsee the future cause their mom and dad's on coke,
with mollies crack and dope they have no one to pace them through, The Cunning Linguist loves y'all and I write this prayer for you.

This one's for the children born with mental faculties, that don't work right through no fault of their own; such bad disease,
like autism and down's syndrome; it's really all so bugged, and if I could I'd round you up and give you all a hug.

This one's for the children who're denied the right to dream, who're diagnosed by doctors; they deserve the right to scream,
at everyone who treats them all as if they're sights unseen, I feel your pain my little ones, it's just not right to me.

To all the little children, hold your head and please be strong, it may not seem this way right now but see it won't be long,
before you're all grown up then you can be the one who shares, with little children just like you, remember, someone cares.



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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Real Talk.....Salutes of Respect and I Share in your Worthy Cause!

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