thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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lonely kidd from L.A.



Views: 189

All of a sudden my heart hurts & held bacc tears are running down my face let me be real with you and say i am a freak my mood swings are up and down this frustration lingering around in my life is getting to me its impossible to shelter this feeling no longer can it be hid away from reality but sometimes i am strong enough to break free from these feelings with the help of god and gizmo often i find peoples intellect kind of inferior to my own they think gizmo is my alter ego as if we're one in the same witch is kind of true but not you see gizmo has a mind all his own the only thing we share is this body or at least that's what i would like to tell people but they would judge and criticize me probably say im crazy im wired or that i need a mental therapist some people call it a normal disorder to make up alter egos and then make believe he,she,it, whatever it is real other people call it childish to do such things but i call it being........lonely

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Poignant Expression.....Bravo

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