Number3 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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Poetry Till The Death


Views: 317

Poetry till the death.

What i write is a depiction of my soul in the form of symbols we call alphabets.

Since the begining of time, from hyroglyfics to digital characters.

mankind has been moving forward step by step but poetry took a leap.

like amstrong setting his feet on the moon, poetry is just as inspirational and mindblowing.

Poetry is my health.

a paragraph generating sparks in the mind like a electrolytic solution.

me expresing my views on poetryvibes is my contribution.

in reaching out and expanding dormant neurons in cerebrals of homo-sapiens,

so they too can release their flow of expresion in their mother tongue without fear.

in an un-violent way thats sincere.

poetry to me is my imagination giving birth.

to idea's imprisoned in my being.

no amount of gold can fulfill everyones deepest desires, we all different, cause life isnt just about wealth.

and till the day i merge with the earth it'l be poetry life and myself.

mixed to form a cure for the trivialitys we have from our first breath.

poetry till the death

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

This is a great tribute to the art of poetry.
Contest Winner  

Number3 says:

Thanx for the support

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