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God's gift is only a loan



Views: 332

 Sometimes god will loan us a gift for just awhile,

It may be a summer sunset, a rainbow,or a loved one's smile.

Sometimes the gift is for the moment while others last for years,

Some are meant to bring happiness for others, just heartache and tears.

A child is sent sometimes to teach, to love and hold,

Sometimes it is our lifemate to share our time til we grow old.

We only need remember it is a gift we do not own,

God never promised it would last forever,

But was ours only as a loan.

Take the gift that he has loaned you,

Love and respect it everyday

For we do not know what moment god will take it away.

Store up your precious memories,

For the memories are your own.

God will leave these with you when he recalls his loan.

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