Nekochi | Poetry Vibe
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Don't Do It

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Held Back



Views: 252

 When tears appear do you think that its automatically from saddness or is it from something much deeper.

Are you truly deep down so torn down that the water leaks from your eyes and takes every once of life that you have

something that pushes you to the deep deep deep end of the pool of depression that even suicide looks like a open nursey book. 

No thats not something to dwell on right?

A halo is shinning directly next to you, do you see it brightly shimmering in the moonlite night?

No then maybe it might be something with  a trick of the light. Yeah it may be...

Just feeling the outright reach of things that confused and sadden me. 

Bond by word, vowed by rings, held back tears. 

A bleeding heart was nerve wrecking and born at the same. 

Was making the choice I made a good one

Or was I just accepting something that could cause a lot of sorrow in the long run. 

NO I didnt make this decision for these thoughts I made this desicion because I personally was in love.

A Godsend was brought upon me and introduced in the form of a man. A man who actually loved

Loves me. 

Surprisingly it was really me, me he loves and not my body, not my eyes, or the way I walk. 

Not to sleep with me intimately, not to brag about it to his friends. 

He is kind, a bleeding heart like myself. Someone who is family oriented and wants to be a father. 

He has the quality a man of God has, and treats people thus. 

but the fear that lies is. am I the one who holds him back?

I have a temper

I fight

I scream

I throw things, 

and yet he stays and laughs

hold me when I scream

Takes my hits when I am angry

Loves me when im wrong

and what more can I do then continue to be Held back by the love of my life?

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The Immortal Wize says:

This is a very lovely poem, thanks for sharing.

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2b2b2 says:

Love does conquer.....Great....ONE

love_supreme says:

I like this poem.

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