Jas_thePoetic1 | Poetry Vibe
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"The Fall"


Views: 179

I've knocked on Heaven's door just to get a peak at the scenery but didn't get an answer because I still walk on Hell's coals

I'm not afraid of the fall

I've felt the ground before

The pain, hurt, and the hopelessness

I'm not afraid of the fall

I'm on turmoil's guest list 

Hiding the invisible emotions behind visible pride

I'm not afraid of the fall

I've been looking up toward the sky

Where my highs equal my lows with no common ground to meet them

I'm not afraid of the fall

I continue to hit the ground again and again

Running to the finishline but I drag my feet through the mud

I'm not afarid of the fall

No matter how self-conscious I may feel

I will smile in the face of those who judge

I'm not afraid of the fall

Because all that's good fades out or spoils

But as I fall I rise to the occasion enduring the many demises and evil gazes

So that my rise will overshadow my failed attempts without their traces

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