thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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it's faith



Views: 194

To make the woman I'm inlove with happy I'll have to give up everything an turn her against me yes it may sound like a huge contradiction but it's true I have to loose everything to become the man she needs as a man I'll admit I'm a failure how could anyone especially her love someone like me no job no career no license and still living with my grandmom all at the age of 20 don't get me wrong it's not like I'm sitting here doing nothing truth be told I work myoff but it's not enough apparently my work ethic needs to increase there are so many things I want to do for us not just for me and not just for you but for us it's either school or my name on the dotted line (military) an I'm starting to think I'll never be who i want to be or rather who she needs me to be unless I join the military everything keeps rushing to my head how can I be selfish and just think about me that's what they want me to do loose sight of you the woman that I love with all my existence we promise id never go down this road no matter what happens an honesty I agreed 100% my options are few and my burdens are plenty a man has to carry the world on his bacc so why does it feel like I'm carrying the universe on mines

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nyny2013 says:

I do not know your situation nor does my opinión have to be taken into account. But what i will say is it is always good to take care of yourself first in order to take care of your woman. So that if something should happen and you guys part(not wishing this im just saying) you will not feel empty and feel as if you have been wearing a mask or sitting behind a desk etc etc just to please her.You matter also.Be strong and good luck.

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