2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Sex is What She Gave Me



Views: 577

Connection is the samples in interloping

Enveloping her surrounds of interior designing

Statements of being glad we had done this

Is the icing on cake in its finish……


Love is lost in lust being profound in sounds

Signaling a pleasing greasing of creases

The beast is in ripping and tearing up prior memories

Leaving a mark not to be removed even in sleep

As dreams of sweet candy canes licking valves

Performance of the proud, sung out loud, wondering how?

To be caught up in the sights and feelings in this share

As “X” marks the spot that causes a swear of right thurre!


I care as I did react, as you shot out and reeled back

No doubt its sweet, an unexpected physical treat performed

Where do we go as you wonder outloud, back to origins for now

Now you cry loud about misdeeds, after momentarily fulfilling needs

I squeeze and you did gush, I enjoy the feelings in experiencing plush

So hush your fuss, and let me build internally, building you on me

Developments are in standings, never sittings of one night’s learnings


Inclined to your fine seizure might pay for the right to squeeze ya

No measure is determined in feet not moving inches towards pleasure

So be easy enjoying the heat and the quiet of the storm in sustaining

Bad mouthed only upon leaving as elated wheezing , next morn cheesing


Love me not is of no question, so I laugh at the words you portray

Truth comes in standing up in relations beyond the power in the lay

We both play, but games end when mutual commitment begins

So I never got the love from you cuz that was not the way we came

Enjoyable, passionate but not love in reality….it was sex she gave me!

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Dayum! 2b2 my brother this goes hard.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks Wize, its mos def hard ink (winks)

LP45 says:

Well alrighty then 2b!!!! Excellent flow and imagery you got going here. Thanks for sharing.Peace.

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