<3 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 243

For the moment all is quiet


till my heart begins a riot.


Its the calm before the storm


protect my heart before its torn.


It was bruised but learned to heal


recovered now mended and sealed.


Placed behind a wall of armour


steady beats and all is calmer.


Never again will it suffer by chance


thinking it found some everlasting romance.


Words are nothing when they have no meaning


taking on risks while your head is interveening.


No more will this heart be scorned


its had enough its been forewarned.


Endless nights without much sleep


pain endured while my heart would weep.


Suffering a loss no one understood


moments I'd think if only I could.


But now it knows to little too late


slowly my heart begins to sedate.


Now it seems the storm has passed


my heart is unharmed this time it will last.


~After all the words

and all the ink

and all the blank pages painted black with adjectives of you,

One thing is clear:

Nothing I write will ever be enough to sum you up.~


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Beautiful...thanks for sharing!!!

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