FerdinandMagellan | Poetry Vibe
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Tears are steady forming

Like the clouds before a storming

Wish I could escape from it to somewhere where I’m normal

Professionally formal

But my heart is lying dormant-Like ingestion of a poison

Thoughts are very noisy

From the pain with heavy voices

Deeper than expected

From a life I knew was hectic

Mother absent-bodied absent-minded living reckless

Frame is made of steel—but the inside’s heavy wreckage

Crying out to God wondering if he got the message

Crawling on my hands and knees I am struggling, I am helpless

Tried to show forgiveness

For the pain that I have suffered

Tried to get away from her

Still claimed her as my mother

Was my parent from a distance

Lonely every xmas

Lonely every birthday

And Lonely’s what I lived with 

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NternallyMe says:

So touching!! Thanks for sharing!! I feel this poem on so many levels Chea

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