YunqPoet | Poetry Vibe
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A Serene Place



Views: 182

How do ii speak ? well, not speak but how do ii seek that in which ii need? how do ii breathe wiithout losiing siight of realiity,recently iit seems ii tend to driift off iinto theses dreams where iim happii and losiing love has become my hearts fatality lustful thoughts of you and me, my sexual desire begiins to phiine. iim all caught up putting my trust in someone ii never really thought of liike this who pushes a smile on my face and whose lips iive never kissed but yet now ii yearn and my stomach churns iive become desperate when usually u have to earn my affectiion iim willing to let my guard down just to keep u around ,silly riight how when ur not near me ii wiish u could be by my siide but iit shouldnt be this deep and apart of me is wondering why thiis is happening. ii thought ii had iit figured out until now that ii knew every step wiithiin my liife until god changed the route ii diidnt thiink ii could feel thiis way my miind raciin,chasiin theses thoughts that i no longer want to fade you bring somethiing thats close to a change a new outlook on life thats not filled wiith paiin you've somehow liifeted me off my feet no wiings on my bacc but iim driftiing off into sanity

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kay ready says:

nice, i enjoyed this

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