J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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I Humbly Request


Views: 374

Upon my knees I open my inner my soul I eyes,

The depths of soul I seek and find endless comfort,

And as the light of enlightenment shines bright my heart becomes captivated

As peace and tranquility surrounds me.

I humbly request are the words I announce,

Thrust upon me trials and tribulations,

To grow in faith and strengthen my resolve,

My fear dissolves as long as I continue to evolve;

Hear my inner voice while I sign my resignation to rid myself of woes;

I rise from  one struggle to face yet another,

But alone I say not so for I stand alongside my brethren.

Thine enemies cannot wait to attack,

For they lurk around each darkened corner wating to ambush me,

Their plans are thwarted due to the injustice they try to hide within.

I humbly request are the words I announce,

Defeated I say it is false for here I am,

Never the one to back down I am grounded in His Word.

I embrace my mountains and say to them farewell,

I live by the words written thus speaking absolute truth:

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when facing

trials of many kind, because you know that the testing of your faith

produces perseverance."

I humbly request that you all who think of me as your enemy

To throw whatever stones and lay whatever false foundations to entrap me,

I humbly request that you all who think of me as your enemy

To doubt my progression and ridicule each decision I make,

And I shall say to you,

"If God is for me who can stand against me?"

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Awesome stand!

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Contest Winner  

j.king337 says:

thank u

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