Number3 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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What if.


just different

Views: 318

If you weren't you and this wasn't that..what woud you do.

If your whole world was just a dream and by then end of this poem you'd wake up from a nightmare with an epiphany.

If life was and hour glass and your time had run out and it was time to turn the glass.

It seems that from the moment we open our eyes in this new place.

We want to know what's happening, why it's happening and ofcors "What if"

If we didn't have racial disagreements that led to arguments which ended up in black people being shipped on harbers.

If the 7/11 didn't happen in 7/11 and also not to the twin towers but your own heaven.

Your home.

If your family memebers as they are weren't theirselves and you weren't yourself.

If right now I told you your real age was 12 and a few weeks but you still have the intellectual you have now nd your wisdom.

How would you live your life?

If life had a paralel universe could you watch yourself get in a car accident with your family but you survive...paralyed

Could you watch that and carry on as nothing happened as you planning on taking a road trip across the country with your family?

If I told you your dreams are scenes of you in your next life..a dream of being everything you ever wanted...would you commit suicide..?

Or just be die.

If I was a fortune teller and my glass globe showed three the back of a hearse..

How would you live your last days?

If you knew the answers to every question...would you have a reason for living?

If this was all would you wake up the next morning?

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SmurpheeeMajor says:

I wouldn't cause everything that is everything wouldn't be anything anymore

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Number3 says:

True that

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