tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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My addiction



Views: 385

 I do my best to try to cope with everyday life,

But where i live theres always so much pain and strife.

I feel weak, tired and afriad, I'm often reminded of the mistakes I've made.

I admit that  I've broken heart's and promises I've made, 

But right now i just want all those's memories to fade.

I've been hurt by those's who say they love me,

But most of all my own dad didn't take the time to get to know me.

He doesn't know this caused me such deep pain,

Now this addiction i can not tame.

 I have new friends to help me deal with all the pain,

Xanax, Ghb, and Marijuana is there name.

When i'm around my new friends i dont have to worry,

cry, argue, or explain myself, I can do what i want, when i want, i 

dont have to think of anyone else. This is selfish some may say, But

dealing with everyday life, I can not do each and every day.

My family doesn't understand this bond i have with my addiction,

They say if i don't stop i will die, So that's their prediction.

My family doesn't understand i can't just stop, Always reminding me of the good old days,

when i use to be on top. With the love of my addiction all things are possible, 

But with this addiction is this problem solvable?.

Beautiful, kind, sweet as can be, Now a thief and a liar is what they call me.

My family didn't stick around to help me figure this out, They 

say deal with it yourself, You decided to go this route.

With the lose of my family and the love of this addiction, Sometimes i just

wish someone would listen.


(Dedicated to a friend who passed away, 2-04-03)

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