thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 16800
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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  4 star general
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Views: 227

welp I will be going to the army real soon so imma be written as much as possible before it's time for me too go people ask am I nerves or if I'm worried that it's going to be to much for me my answers to your questions is no as long as god is on my team what do I have to be afraid of everyday people dropping like flies I honestly believe that there are way more people who die in L.A. Then in the military but that's just me while I'm in they're I'll give everything I do 110% this is my life this is my decision....

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tretre says:

I have to agree with you more people die in la then in the military...I should know i use to live there. Keep that pen movin!

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