Kilay | Poetry Vibe
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The art side of life

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How i long for a father..



Views: 159

Your time had come

But now It's gone.

Oh how i long for you my father

So that my life could go on

I long for;

A father to hold my hand and make me smile

Who would teach me to dream

So that my life could go far

Who would have told me that this guy is not good enough for me!

I long for that father that would have comforted me ,

That would have wiped my tears away whenever I cried

And who could see it in my eyes when ever I lied

I long for a father who could teach me life's ways

Who would teach me to be proud of who I am

Knowing that I have nothing to hide

Who would stand by me , side to side

Who would help me forget about the pain and appreciate the good things in life

The sunshine, the love and the singing birds ....

A father who could show me that happiness is not a dream

Oh how I long for a father that would love me

That would make me feel no longer broken and no longer bent.

That would be, to me like an asthma pump ,

Giving me life when I couldn't breathe

Oh how I long for him

That perfect father for me to love.

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